Google Analytics Basics – creating a view

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During last months I got more and more interested in Web Analytics. Firstly, thanks to my job and secondly it drove me there because of the close connection to online marketing (which is my another interest). Once you need to evaluate your online marketing efforts then analysis based on online data (sure you can also import other data then those stored by Google) is a must. Well, web analytics will be becoming more and more important in the online world. Not just for owners of e-commerce sites or online software providers but it might also catch interest of website owners in terms of improving their websites with help of available data about their sites. Celý článek na

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MeasureCamp Czechia 2023

V sobotu 9. září se konal svátek webové analytiky. Byli jsme nejen jeho hrdými sponzory, ale také jsme přispěli naší prezentací – Consent mode from